Spring Lane School word posters

Attitudes To Learning

​At Spring Lane School we provide a culture and climate of improved behaviour from our pupils, allowing pupils to respond positively to peers and trusted adults and repair their attitudes to learning.

We are inclusive at our heart and respect that all pupils have different stories and experiences that dictates their behaviours for learning and trust in adults. Through persistence, unconditional regard and a development of our trauma informed practice we help pupils reflect on their attitudes and aspirations for themselves and to embed expectations of what steps are needed to be successful. 

The intent and expectations of the behaviour of our school community at all times centres around:

Respect - Everyone will respect each other, take good care of themselves, the school and wider community, and their property

Responsibility - Everyone will take responsibility for their actions, participate in learning,  be present at school and be punctual

Resilience - Everyone will be supportive of each other, learn to be resilient in new experiences and unrelenting in our pursuit to change our futures

Pupils can earn achievement points around school for exceptional demonstrations and actions in each of the three qualities



We celebrate engagement and progress in our classrooms through our Steps2Success framework. We expect that our pupils accept the challenge of each lesson and use this as a platform to be challenged and be successful, paving the way to a more positive future. Our pupils are given a score and language indicator each lesson, (Steps2Success) which demonstrates their efforts in learning and conduct in the lesson. All pupils start every lesson a fresh, and start ready to Accept the Challenge. 

Pupils that need to demonstrate expectations, have not accepted the support given to them and r will be expected to have a restorative conversation with the staff member(s) prior to ending the day and going home.

I have Changed my Future = 5 points per lesson
I have been Determined to Succeed = 4 points per lesson
I have Accepted the Challenge = 3 points per lesson
I need to Accept the Support  = 2 points per lesson
I need to Demonstrate Expectations = 1 point per lesson

The introduction of this has seen significant improvements on our climate around the school, more learning taking place, significant reductions in our suspensions and a culture building on restorative practice.

We celebrate progress and achievements of our pupils at our Attitudes and Experiences Assembly on a Friday, at both Radcliffe and Park House, where pupils can leave with a certificate of recognition for their efforts before rewards time.

Rewards time takes place on a Friday, where pupils have choices of activities to enjoy and build relationships with both peers and adults.

A more comprehensive overview of our behaviour and attitudes to learning can be found within our 'Behaviour policy, which serves as our policy  for positive behaviour management

Use of Reasonable Force

At Spring Lane School we recognise that  the use of reasonable force is the last resort when it comes to an intervention on any escalating behaviour. 

The term ‘reasonable force’ covers the broad range of actions used by most teachers at some point in their career that involve a degree of physical contact with pupils. The decision on whether or not to physically intervene is down to the professional judgement of the staff member concerned and should always depend on the individual circumstances. 

Force is usually used either to control or restrain. This can range from guiding a pupil to safety by the arm through to more extreme circumstances such as breaking up a fight or where a student needs to be restrained to prevent violence or injury. 
‘Reasonable in the circumstances’ means using no more force than is needed. As mentioned above, schools generally use force to control pupils and to restrain them. 

Control means either passive physical contact, such as standing between pupils or blocking a pupil's path, or active physical contact such as leading a pupil by the arm out of a classroom.
Restraint means to hold back physically or to bring a pupil under control. It is typically used in more extreme circumstances, for example when two pupils are fighting and refuse to separate without physical intervention.  

Our staff are supported by leaders with the legal permission and professional development to support their use of reasonable force. 

With the introduction of our Attitudes to Learning framework and our increased understanding of behaviour, we have seen the number of restraints fall across the school. Our Reasonable Force Policy gives more information on our use of reasonable force and related elements

Independant Learning


When you see this sign on your worksheet or classroom it means the work you are doing requires your full concentration.

Accept the challenge and work independently. If you need help, please raise your hand.

Independant Learning icon



When you see this sign on your worksheet or classroom it means we respect each other by listening.

This maybe the teacher talking or one of your classmates. Please be quiet and listen.

Listening icon

Collaborative Work


When you see this sign on your worksheet or classroom it means you are working in pairs or in a group.

Make sure you are still focused and accepting the challenge.

Collaborative Work icon