
Exam Results

Spring Lane School, as a Pupil Referral Unit does not feature on National School Exam Results tables, however, each year we will demonstrate some of our Key Performance Indicators for Year 11 outcomes.

Spring Lane School, as a Secondary PRU does not feature on School League Tables or Performance Measures, but all local, regional and national Secondary Schools exam performance can be found here Compare School Performance 

Performance Indicator 2023 Results 2022 Results
% of Y11 pupils with 8+ L1 qualifications or equivalent 1.6% 0.0%
% of Y11 pupils with 5+ L1 qualifications or equivalent 22.2% 17.6%
% of Y11 pupils with 5+ EL3 qualifications or equivalent 28.6% 23.5%
% of Y11 pupils with 5+ EL2 qualifications or equivalent 28.6% 23.5%
% of Y11 pupils with 5+ EL1 qualifications or equivalent 28.6% 23.5%
% of Y11 pupils with 1+ qualifications or equivalent 95.1% 86.3%
% of Y11 pupils entered with L1 GCSE in English Language (Grade 1 - 3) 77.8% 72.5%
% of Y11 pupils entered with L2 GCSE in English Language (Grade 4 - 9) 16.7% 15.0%
% of Y11 pupils entered with L1 GCSE in Maths (Grade 1 - 3) 77.5% 58.5%
% of Y11 pupils entered with L2 GCSE in Maths (Grade 4 - 9) 10% 14.6%