We will provide an understanding, safe and ambitious environment, where you will be accepted, feel confident to accept the challenge and positively change your future choices.
We will...
- We will always give you an opportunity to accept the challenge.
- We will use our behaviour policy to give you the platform to achieve.
- We will value your efforts in raising your aspirations and changing your future.
- We will always offer you an unconditional hand in supporting you to make the right choices.
- We will set you aspirational targets that challenge you, but that we believe you can achieve.
- We will help you reflect on your choices, so that we can learn for next time.
- We will always make time for restorative conversations as a result of any wrong choices.
- We will provide safe spaces and strategies to regulate.
- I understand basic S2S in school and can follow them some of the time.
- I understand that having a career choice is important.
- I have regulated well in a social situation outside school.
- I am beginning to find ways out of setbacks with help.
- I regularly require reminders of expectations to help me to behave well.
- I am beginning to accept consequences for my actions.
- I see how my choices now affect my future.
- I understand S2S and expectations in school and follow them most of the time with some reminders.
- I understand that there are consequences for my actions and usually accept these.
- I have experienced a number of different social situations and usually regulate well.
- I know the importance of career goals and have some good ideas.
- I can set targets for myself with help and guidance.
- I can see how my choices affect my future, and I am starting to make more positive ones.
- I routinelyfollow S2S and expectations in school and need very few reminders.
- I enjoy experiencing new social situations, regulate and manage confidently in them.
- I accept consequences for my actions and am starting to be able to identify these.
- I can set targets for myself with limited guidance and accept the challenge
- I can make positive choices to impact my future positively.
- I have a career choice that I am aiming for and I am trying to improve my chances of attaining it.
- I always follow S2S and expectations without reminders.
- I can regulate consistently well in a range of settings and situations and with different people
- I can reflect on my actions, accept and propose, consequences.
- I am able to set my own targets.
- I regularly make positive choices to positively influence my future.
- I have a career that I am aiming for and know how to get there, with positive choices.
- I understand S2S and expectations in school and society and set an example for others and accept that there are consequences for my actions.
- I can regulate appropriately, with confidence in a range of different social situations, environments and varied people independently.
- I can influence positive choices on how to give me positive choices in the future, beyond school.
- I routinely set my own targets.
- I have an expectation that my learning will always be positive and successful.
- I have a definitive career plan and know what routes and qualities I need to be successful.