Spring Lane School pupil with artwork

Personal Development

Staying Safe and Healthy

Staying Safe and Healthy icon


Resilience icon


Aspirations icon


Relationships icon


Communication icon

Managing Feelings

Managing Feelings icon

Staying Safe and Healthy

Staying Safe and Healthy

We will help you become self-aware and socially aware, to keep yourself safe and make healthy choices to positively change your future.

We will...

  • We will help you identify safe situations and safe choices.
  • We will develop your understanding of the links of physical fitness and mental wellbeing.
  • We will provide you with healthy eating choices and a welcoming space to eat breakfast and lunch.
  • We will give you opportunities for physical activity as individuals and as teams.
  • We will give you awareness, guidance and boundaries to keep you safe online.
  • We will encourage healthy choices outside of school.
  • We will always offer an unconditional hand in support and opportunities to speak about your safety.
  • We will always do the right thing to keep you safe.


  • I am aware of when I am not safe and can tell others
  • I can identify some things which are healthy and some things which are not
  • I can identify some healthy foods
  • I sometimes exercise


  • I can identify when I am not safe and am starting to take steps to address this
  • I know what makes a healthy diet and take some steps towards this
  • I exercise at least twice a week


  • I can identify when I am not safe and am starting to take steps to address this
  • I know what makes a healthy diet and take some steps towards this
  • I exercise at least twice a week


  • I can identify risk and have a range of strategies to avoid them
  • I make active choices about my diet
  • I exercise regularly


  • I always keep myself safe.
  • I always recognise risks and have strategies to avoid them.
  • I maintain a healthy diet.
  • I take regular exercise.
  • I always maintain a positive mind-set.
  • I always take part confidently in new social experiences.



We will help you understand that learning and experiencing new things means trying hard and making mistakes along the way, but this will eventually lead to new, positive and happy memories of school.

We will...

  • We will value your efforts and recognise when you try your hardest.
  • We will let those at home know when you have tried your hardest.
  • We will share your efforts in the school, through praise and displays.
  • We will always offer you empathic responses to listen, support and guide you.
  • We will try to develop your strengths.
  • We will support and encourage you to try new experiences.
  • We will let you learn at your own pace.
  • We will support you through mistakes, to see them as a learning opportunity.


  • I can sometimes stick at things but get frustrated quickly.
  • I can ask for help when prompted.
  • I can sometimes reflect on situations when things have gone wrong.
  • I can identify a positive thing in my work.
  • I am beginning to try new things but don’t really like to
  • I am beginning to find ways out of setbacks with help.


  • I can stick at things for short periods of time.
  • I am able to ask for help when I get stuck.
  • I am willing to give new things a go with encouragement.
  • I am starting to learn from things that go wrong.
  • I am starting to see positive things in what I learn and do.
  • I am starting to think about what I want to do in the future.
  • I get frustrated by setbacks but am starting to find ways out with help.


  • I can stick at most things even when they are difficult.
  • I usually take a positive approach to setbacks and am starting to find solutions on my own.
  • I usually approach tasks and challenges with a smile.
  • I usually learn from setbacks.
  • I usually identify positive things in what I do.
  • I am willing to take on and enjoy new challenges.
  • I have a clear idea about what I would like to do in the future.


  • I expect the best of myself.
  • I take a positive approach to setbacks and can find ways forward.
  • I take a positive approach to new challenges even when they are outside of my comfort zone.
  • I usually stick at things if they are difficult and keep going with them.
  • I usually keep going and complete tasks to a high standard.
  • I know what I want to do in the future and am starting to plan for it.


  • I always aspire to be the best I can be.
  • I always keep going when things are difficult.  
  • I can accept and learn from failure.
  • I can always rise to the challenges that I face.
  • I can plan for my future and take positive steps to get there.
  • I amalways able to bounce back and overcome adversity.




We will provide an understanding, safe and ambitious environment, where you will be accepted, feel confident to accept the challenge and positively change your future choices.

We will...

  • We will always give you an opportunity to accept the challenge.
  • We will use our behaviour policy to give you the platform to achieve.
  • We will value your efforts in raising your aspirations and changing your future.
  • We will always offer you an unconditional hand in supporting you to make the right choices.
  • We will set you aspirational targets that challenge you, but that we believe you can achieve.
  • We will help you reflect on your choices, so that we can learn for next time.
  • We will always make time for restorative conversations as a result of any wrong choices.
  • We will provide safe spaces and strategies to regulate.


  • I understand basic S2S in school and can follow them some of the time.
  • I understand that having a career choice is important.
  • I have regulated well in a social situation outside school.
  • I am beginning to find ways out of setbacks with help.
  • I regularly require reminders of expectations to help me to behave well.
  • I am beginning to accept consequences for my actions.
  • I see how my choices now affect my future.


  • I understand S2S and expectations in school and follow them most of the time with some reminders.
  • I understand that there are consequences for my actions and usually accept these.
  • I have experienced a number of different social situations and usually regulate well.
  • I know the importance of career goals and have some good ideas.
  • I can set targets for myself with help and guidance.
  • I can see how my choices affect my future, and I am starting to make more positive ones. 


  • I  routinelyfollow S2S and expectations in school and need very few reminders.
  • I enjoy experiencing new social situations, regulate and manage confidently in them.
  • I accept consequences for my actions and am starting to be able to identify these.
  • I can set targets for myself with limited guidance and accept the challenge
  • I can make positive choices to impact my future positively.
  • I have a career choice that I am aiming for and I am trying to improve my chances of attaining it.


  • I always follow S2S and expectations without reminders.
  • I can regulate consistently well in a range of settings and situations and with different people
  • I can reflect on my actions, accept and propose, consequences.
  • I am able to set my own targets.
  • I regularly make positive choices to positively influence my future.
  • I have a career that I am aiming for and know how to get there, with positive choices.


  • I understand S2S and expectations in school and society and set an example for others and accept that there are consequences for my actions.
  • I can regulate appropriately, with confidence in a range of different social situations, environments and varied people independently.
  • I can influence positive choices on how to give me positive choices in the future, beyond school.
  • I routinely set my own targets.
  • I have an expectation that my learning will always be positive and successful.
  • I have a definitive career plan and know what routes and qualities I need to be successful.



We will help you build positive relationships with adults and other young people to make new friends and respond to emotionally-available adults.

We will...

  • We will ensure there is time in each day to build positive relationships.
  • We will always offer you an unconditional hand in support, time and positive attention.
  • We will understand that trust takes time and patience.
  • We will build on trust that you show us.
  • We will follow up with things we have said and discussed.
  • We will plan opportunities for you to show that you can be a source of trust to others and take the lead.
  • We will help you learn that by trusting adults at Spring Lane will lead to rewarding experiences.


  • I cancontribute to workingin a pair.
  • I am beginning to know how and when to take turns.
  • I am able to listen to others'points of view.


  • I canwork with more than one person and make a positive contribution.
  • I am able to take turns.
  • I am able to discuss issues with others and listen totheir views.


  • I cantake on a role as part of a group and contribute to the completion of a task.
  • I am able to participate in a shared activity and accept whenthings go against me.
  • I am able to take part in discussion and accept others' points of view.


  • I can take a leading rolein a group activity
  • I can participate positively inshared activities , take turnsand accept losing.
  • I listen, accept and show respect for other pointsof views.


  • I can take part in a shared activity.
  • I can negotiate compromise and be open minded.
  • I can recognise and respect the point of view of others.
  • I can take the lead or be part of a team.
  • I know when and how to take turns.



We will help you communicate clearly, positively and honestly with adults and young people around you, whilst always showing you empathy and understanding.

We will...

  • We will give you opportunities to respect and listen to others.
  • We will give others the opportunity to respectfully listen to you.
  • We will always offer you empathy and guidance in helping you communicate.
  • We will encourage you to communicate your opinions positively.
  • We will always listen empathically and with patience and understanding.
  • We will give you opportunities to participate in discussions.
  • We will allow you to communicate ideas and listen to appropriate ideas.


  • I can understand and participate in a discussion about a familiar topic with another person.
  • I can listen to and understand the main points of short explanations.
  • I can make contributions to a discussion.
  • I can respond appropriately to comments and requests.


  • I can understand and participate in discussions about familiar topics with more than one other person.
  • I can make appropriate contributions to the discussion.
  • I can express simply my feelings or opinions.
  • I can listen to and understand others' feelings or opinion.
  • I can communicate information so that the meaning is clear.


  • I can make appropriate contributions in formal and non-formal discussion and exchanges.
  • I can use appropriate language in formal discussions and exchanges.
  • I can give my own point of view and respond appropriately to others' points of views.
  • I can make relevant contributions and respond to others' input.


  • I can take a full part in formal and informal discussions on a range of subjects.
  • I can prepare for and contribute to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions.
  • I can present information in clear and appropriate language.
  • I am becoming confident in communicating with unfamiliar people.


  • I can communicate in a range of ways.
  • I can state my point of view correctly.
  • I can listen and respond to others appropriately.
  • I can take part in a group discussion.
  • I can demonstrate appropriate non-verbal skills.
  • I can communicate effectively with unfamiliar people.

Managing Feelings

Managing Feelings

We will help you notice your emotions and understand your feelings, whilst showing acceptance, curiosity and empathy to how you are feeling at all times.

We will...

  • We will be aware of our own emotions and stay calm when things are difficult.
  • We will always strive for a calm atmosphere.
  • We will make sure you feel valued and never isolated.
  • We will an unconditional hand of support and structure around your learning and wellbeing.
  • We will accept when you are at your limits of challenge.
  • We will look for calm before learning.
  • We will give you tools, opportunities and clear boundaries to express your feelings.
  • We will always be curious and listen to your feelings and act on them to support you.


  • I can identify at least one positive thing about myself
  • I can recognise different feelings
  • I can recognise others' feeling on occasions.


  • I can identify positive thingsabout myself.
  • I can recognise and start totalk about different feelings.
  • I can ask for help tomanage my feelings.
  • I can recognise others' feelings some of the time.


  • I can accept positive and negative feedback about myself.
  • I can start to manage my feelings and have some strategies to help me to manage them.
  • I can recognise others' feelings and can be sensitive to them.
  • I am able to think about and express a range of feelings.


  • I can accept acknowledgement of success.
  • I recognise my feelings and express them appropriately most of the time.
  • I have a range of strategies to manage my feelings.
  • I am sensitive to the feeling of others most of the time.


  • I can accept positive and negative feedback.
  • I can recognise my feelings as they happen.
  • I can express my feelings appropriately.
  • I can always recognise emotions in others and be sensitive to them.
  • I can rationalise my own feelings.
  • I can identify positive things about myself.
  • I can ask for help when I need it.
  • I know how to help myself.