Spring Lane Bury Support page

Bury Support


The Bury Directory

The Bury Directory is the information and advice point for help, support activities and services in specific areas such as 

  • childcare and families
  • home, housing and money issues
  • adult care and disability services
  • staying safe and safeguarding in Bury

Follow the link for redirection to The Bury Directory.

The Bury Local Offer

The Bury Local Offer is the information directory where individuals with SEND aged 0-25, as well as their parents or carers, can find out what support or provision they can expect to be available in their local area.

It covers a range of local agencies, including education, health, and social care services – such as childcare, independent schools or colleges, care placements, apprenticeships, transport arrangements between home and education settings, specialist teachers, therapy services, and other specialist support.

The Bury Directory - Send Local Offer link


BURY2GETHER is the DfE-approved forum for parents/carer who have a child/young person that has Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, who are aged 0-25. They are strategic partners with the Local Authority and the Integrated Care partnership to shape and improve SEND services in the borough

To join the forum, volunteer or find out more about BURY2GETHER access their website www.bury2gether.com or follow them on Twitter @BURY2GETHER


Family Lives provide targeted early intervention and crisis support to families, with a confidential helpline and live chat facility to aid and support on various challenges that families may face, such as,

  • Separation
  • Bullying
  • Early Years
  • Teenage specific advice
  • Pregnancy
  • Cost of Living
  • Online parenting courses

For more information or support, visit www.familylives.org.uk