Prevent Page

Prevent Duty

The aim of the Prevent Duty is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism, through radicalisation and extremism.

The Prevent Duty requires authorities such as education, health, local authorities, police and criminal justice agencies  to help prevent the risk of people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

The Prevent Duty helps to ensure that people who are susceptible to radicalisation are supported as they would be under safeguarding processes. The Prevent Duty is important to us as a school, because young people are more at risk of radicalisation and we recognise that our pupils have more risk factors.

The objectives of Prevent are to:

  • tackle the ideological causes of terrorism
  • intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation
  • enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate


How is extremism relevant to me as a parent/carer?

As a parent or carer, you need to be aware that individuals and groups with extremist views use the internet and social media to spread their ideologies. Children spend a lot of time online, and this has made them more susceptible to extremism

Extremist groups tap into young people’s insecurities. They often claim to offer answers and promise a sense of identity that vulnerable young people often seek. These feelings of insecurity can become more heightened when a child is feeling:

  • Marginalised from society
  • Trapped between two cultures
  • Excluded from the mainstream

As part of their recruitment strategy, extremist groups also work to undermine the authority of parents. This can be particularly attractive to vulnerable children who have more risk factors.

Extremist groups also use very sophisticated methods to trigger feelings of anger, injustice and shame that a child might feel towards a parent.

But it’s important to remember that any child can be affected by extremism. You can play a vital role by providing emotional support that acts as an alternative to the extremist narratives that your child might feel comfortable believing.

Is my child vulnerable to radicalisation?

Children from all kinds of backgrounds can become radicalised. Here are some of the common factors to look out for that make them vulnerable.

As a parent, it’s likely you’ll recognise any of these factors or changes in behaviour before anyone else, and will be able to use your judgement to know whether your child is vulnerable. The following behaviours are a guide and it’s important to remember that anyone can be affected by extremism:

  • Struggling with a sense of identity
  • Distanced from their cultural or religious background
  • Difficulty fitting in with British culture
  • Questioning their place in society
  • Family issues
  • Experiencing a traumatic event
  • Experiencing racism or discrimination
  • Difficulty in interacting socially
  • Lacking empathy or not understanding the consequences of their actions
  • Low self-esteem

Any of these issues make children more susceptible to believing that extremists’ claims are the answer to their problems.

External factors play their part too, such as: community tension, events affecting the country or region where they or their parents are from, or having friends or family who have joined extremist groups. Exposure to one-sided points of view all contribute to the process of radicalisation.

Those children involved with criminal groups, or who have found it difficult to reintegrate after being in prison or a young offender institution, may also be at risk.

How does school help protect my child?

Spring Lane School is committed to upholding the Prevent Duty.

To support our overview on Prevent within school, we annually review our 'Prevent Duty Risk Assessment', which gives us critical insight and amendments to our own processes.

All our staff undertake training in the Prevent Duty, as per guidance and legislation; they are aware of the signs of radicalisation and how to report it. All our staff have undergone all the statutory checks to ensure they are suitable to work with children.

All our visitors and guest speakers to site have undergone checks and are escorted around the building at all times. Any content being delivered by outside agencies is discussed first to quality assure and safeguard its content prior to sharing with our young people. No young person will be left alone with a visitor.

All our leaders involved in recruitment have undergone Safer Recruitment training. The adverts we send out notify all applicants to our safeguarding practices and culture, and all successful applicants undergo online checks, DBS and barring checks and right to work in the UK checks, to ensure they are suitable to work with our children.

Our curriculum supports British Values, democracy and the wider teaching of the different cultures, religions and beliefs that we foster and welcome in the UK. We celebrate the diversity and acceptance in and out of the classroom, through our PSHRE curriculum, English curriculum, reading materials and national events, which we positively engage the pupils in to widen their knowledge and understanding of British Values and our varied culture in society. 

What should I do if I have a concern?

You should speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead if you have a concern about your child regards radicalisation or any other safeguarding issue.

There are other National help lines and websites that support parents and carers when it comes to questions and advice around radicalisation and Prevent, particularly which is the Governments advice and guidance portal for parents, educators and agencies on this agenda